Confidence, creativity, turbulence and intimidation

sent by Nick Grantham | 7th September 2021

"Lack of confidence kills more dreams than lack of ability."

James Clear

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Mrs G convinced me back in 1997 to apply for my first job as a sport scientist. I wasn't going to apply. I didn't think I was good enough to get called to interview. I was convinced there would be hundreds of better qualified and more experienced applicants. I seriously lacked confidence. Good job Mrs G had faith in me. On her advice, I applied for the job and was successful, and that was the start of a long and enjoyable career in high-performance sport.

Source: James Clear 3-2-1 Newsletter by James Clear

"The chance to be creative comes from discipline."

Steve Gera and Dave Anderson

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Next time you marvel at an athlete, artist, performer, colleague, coach or student getting all creative and thinking it's somehow a 'gift' they have, or they're dead cool and relaxed, which allows the creativity to flow. Have a word with yourself. Creativity is more than likely born out of years of discipline. You need to have some structure before you can start to freestyle!

Source: Sporttechie 20.08.20 by Steve Gera and Dave Anderson

"The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence, it is to act with yesterday's logic."

Peter Drucker

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Working in a high-performance sport can be a pretty challenging environment. Change can happen quickly, and it can be unsettling. However, looking back and wishing things would go back to 'normal' is not the answer. Accepting the new reality is the key to moving forward. When faced with change and turbulence, stop looking back to yesterday, fix your sights firmly on the future and the new normal.

Source: Peter Drucker

"Things get a lot less intimidating when you turn the lights on and just start working on it."

Kevin Jorgeson

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Being injured sucks, and it can often be a dark place for an athlete. There are a lot of unknowns. One of the first things I do as a coach when working with an injured athlete is shine a light on the rehabilitation process. Sitting down and sharing a plan makes the rehabilitation process a lot less intimidating. The program allows the athlete to get cracking. Next time you have to face a challenge, remember to switch the lights on.

Source: Kevin Jorgeson

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