sent by Nick Grantham | 2nd November 2021
First-principles act as guides to our behaviour. What type of performance practitioner are you? Do you know what your training philosophy is? Why do you do what you do? What about your coaching philosophy? How you expect people to behave and the culture you want to create. Without a clear understanding of your guiding principles, you'll find it difficult to negotiate the choppy waters of high-performance sport and stay on course. So take some time to look at your compasses.
Source: The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey
One of the hardest things to do is park your ego and let others take the credit for something you've been working on. I'm not saying you need to roll over and let people take credit for all of your hard work, but what I would suggest is that there are times when you should be comfortable fading into the shadows and letting another member of your team take the credit. Figure out when to park your ego for the greater good.
Source: Harry S. Truman
There's a dark side too! You can drag the culture down by what you think. You can dismantle it by what you say. And you can create failure by what you do. So, what type of culture are you contributing to?
Source: Jon Gordon
I've seen the 'glory hunters' first hand, witnessed the 'huggers' and the 'grip and grinners' pop up just as all the hard work is completed. It used to bother me until I realised that athletes could spot them a mile away too. They know the people who were there for the early starts and late finishes, through the tough times and the messy middle of change. They know the people who are worth being part of the outcome, which will do for me!
Source: Carey Lohrenz
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