sent by Nick Grantham | 19th April 2022
If you're feeling tired, it will pass. If you feel full of energy, it will pass. If you're feeling sad, it will pass. If you're feeling in control of your career, it will pass. If you think you're doing a terrible job, it will pass. If your team is on a losing streak, it will pass. If your team is on a winning streak, it will pass. You get the idea! Everything we experience is temporary. So don't get too carried away by the highs, and never wallow too long in the lows because it will pass no matter how you feel.
Source: Persian Proverb
I've worked with both types of coaches and athletes. I know which ones I prefer to work with, and I know the kind of coach I try to be. Appreciate where you are currently at and the people you currently work with.
Source: The 3-2-1 Newsletter by James Clear
Next time you are faced with a problem, imagine you had a crystal ball that allowed you to look into the future and see where the issue you are facing has been solved. What does the future look like? The clues to overcoming a problem can often be found by imagining what the situation would be like once the problem is solved.
Source: Pig Wrestling by Pete Lindsay and Mark Bawden
I know there's a bunch of stuff I'm not sure about, and I'm happy with that. It means there's still plenty for me to learn. Imagine being the know it all who thinks they have all the answers, only to realise one day that what they thought was true could be wrong.
Source: The Bumper Book of Things That Nobody Knows by William Hartson
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