sent by Nick Grantham | 12th October 2021
Setting big scary outcome goals is the easy part, but the small building blocks, the performance and process goals, will create the path to success.
Source: Think Small by Owain Service and Rory Gallagher
On a recent episode of the High Performance Podcast, Damian Hughes said that the players should set the culture. It's not down to the manager or the head coach. But, unfortunately, there's often a perception that culture must be developed from above and filtered down in sport and organisations. I tend to agree with Damian. Indeed, the players are the ultimate cultural architects responsible for a team's normative behaviours and overall culture. They should set the tone, and they should regulate it themselves. So, good or bad, you'll feel the culture of a team the moment you are with them.
Source: The High Performance Podcast with Jake Humphrey and Damian Hughes
High-performance sport has evolved beyond all recognition since I first started out as a sport scientist in 1998. I'm not the same coach now as I was five years, ten years, twenty years ago. I've had to pivot, flex, change, evolve and adapt. Change is inevitable. Embrace the challenges it throws up, and you'll prosper.
Source: Heraclitus
Inspiring stories and motivational quotes are good, but the secret sauce that separates those who push on through dips in motivation is commitment. Commitment is all about being dedicated to an activity, and the good thing about commitment is it's far less volatile than inspiration and motivation. Sure, it will also have peaks and troughs, but the shifts are nowhere near as violent as the ones we typically experience in motivation. Instead, it's routine, dull and grubby, but it gets the job done.
Source: Ben Nicholas
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