Waving flags, grabbing attention, expertise and thought promotion

sent by Nick Grantham | 24th August 2021

"Wave the client's flag in front of him."

Paul Arden

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If you're applying for a job, meeting a potential client or simply wanting to fit in as quickly as possible, it's worth doing as Paul Arden suggests and wave the same flag as the person you are writing to or meeting. Organisations and teams wave their flags through their colours, uniforms and dress codes. Mirroring their 'flag' by wearing a similar kit to a meeting, using the same colour palette in a presentation or CV is a subtle strategy to help you fit in. The coaches and athletes feel an immediate sense of connection. There's a sense that you're on the same wavelength. You already belong.

Source: It's Not How Good You Are, It's How Good You Want To Be by Paul Arden

"You'll grab their attention if you can teach them just one thing they didn't know before."

Susan Caine

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For years I was worried that I didn't have anything new to add when delivering a presentation, speaking at a conference or writing a magazine article. But then I realised that almost nobody had anything new to say. So having something new to say wasn't necessary. Making something stick was. I discovered that the important thing was to grab the audience's attention so that at least one thing landed. So I tell stories, use strange analogies and metaphors, use striking imagery, and speak like a coach and not like a boffin. That's how I try to grab an audience's attention. What I say may not be new, but it's sticky! I've been blown away by comments from people who say, "I learnt this one thing from your book"...brilliant. Mission accomplished, I grabbed their attention, and they remembered something new to them and important.

Source: Quiet by Susan Caine

"Hire those with talents and expertise you lack."

Margot Morell and Stephanie Capparell

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Time and again, I've seen people who claim to be a world-leading fitness coach with mad crazy nutrition knowledge who can also unravel injury problems whilst simultaneously sorting out a myriad of psychological issues. Whilst I will shout the importance of being a specialist generalist from the rooftops, I struggle with this one-man-band approach! The desire to be all things to all people is often due to a fundamental lack of confidence and fear. Great practitioners know what they are good at and know when to call in the cavalry. Far from being a sign of weakness, admitting you don't know something but know a colleague who can help is a sign of maturity and confidence.

Source: Shackleton's Way by Margot Morell and Stephanie Capparell

"Be a thought promoter, not a thought stealer."

Matt Church

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There's a reason why I include the source of inspiration for each performance insight. I want to promote thoughts rather than steal them. The insights are a jumping-off point. Each newsletter is an opportunity to discover new authors, scientists, artists and entrepreneurs. In whatever you do, provide the signposts.

Source: The Thought Leaders Practice by Matt Church

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