Last week I spoke at length to Steve Ingham at Supporting Champions. Steve and I have know each other for over 20 years and our careers have crisscrossed along the way but this is probably the first time we've really sat down and spoken at length about our careers and key lessons learnt along the way.
He's had some big hitters on the podcast so I was really pleased to be asked. Here's a snapshot of what I talked about.
My background, education, short lived rubbish career in banking, night school and university.
Early career in Sport Science and the small community of like-minded people delivering applied work in the field.
Having experienced a career in banking it gave me the determination to be tenacious in the pursuit of opportunities at university.
Working at Lilleshall, gymnastic team, and the first strength and conditioning netball team role.
Investment in the non-technical career skills, balancing work loads, management, income sources and side hustles.
Everybody is expendable and you will be replaced.
The reasons I left the English Institute of Sport.
The rewards of working with the general population and learning humility
Consultancy and the balance of selling yourself and the development of confidence in his own abilities, experience and skillset.
The motivation to write 'You're Hired'
Making personal connections.
Being comfortable with being a specialist generalist, having a depth of knowledge and being able to work with diversity and making an impact, but know when you need to refer out.
Career highlights.
The one thing to change: the Negatrons!
I always try to be as honest as possible and I hope you take the time to listen to the podcast, enjoy it and take some nuggets of information away